Top 7 Hacks for Hassle-free Air Travel

All of us want a trouble-free odyssey whenever we are traveling. But then again, life can be quite unpredictable. 

So many unforeseen events can make the journey not-so-pleasant at first. This may include delayed flights, security checks, the cluttered mess in your bag, lost boarding pass, restricted backspace, and of course, snoring or chatty co-passengers–there is so much that could go wrong! 

Thankfully, at the same time, there are a few hacks that you can use to make sure that your air travel remains hassle-free and fun keeping you recharged to actually enjoy your trip ahead. Read on as we have compiled the different ways in which you can remain comfortable, cozy and fresh whenever you travel via a flight.

Not forgetting the comfortable shoes

While wearing heels or the latest elaborate pair of stilettos may look tempting and leave you feeling like a diva, it’s important to be comfortable whenever you are in the airport security. After all, you can never be completely sure when you might just have to run for that boarding time! Even for men, it’s important to have running shoes that aren’t too tight. 

Try to avoid wearing footwear that involves a lot of straps, buckles, or laces. Another tip that we would like to give you is to take off your watch, belt, and jacket to get through checking as quickly as possible. 

Making sure that you have those oh-so-comfy travel essentials

Unless you have the luxury of traveling in business class or first class, you can never really be sure of what your flight journey may entail. This is precisely why you should always have a couple of travel essentials that includes a neck pillow, a sleep mask, and noise-canceling earplugs or headphones. 

If you feel like catching a quick nap, you can easily cover your ears and eyes helping you doze off faster to Snooze Land. A neck pillow is important as it provides support to your neck and shoulders helping you avoid any situations where they might be excessive strain on your upper half of the body. As you might have realized, this way, your entire journey will be smooth and comfortable. 

Install travel apps that are free yet handy

One of the biggest inventions of technology is the existence of travel apps. Trust us when we tell you that these travel apps can make your entire journey as quick and fuss-free as possible whilst being completely free of cost. 

You can plan your entire travel itinerary, find out the things that you should do in your destination, locate the best and cheapest flight and hotel deals, and so on. 

Make sure you have a transport pick-up booked in advance

Having somebody there to take you to your hotel or home is a great way to keep extra stress away. 

You can save a lot of time by pre-booking your transportation pick up ahead of time. The best part is that there are choices for this too. You can go for either a car service or, if you want to save money, you can opt for public transportation options as well. 

Find out your course of action during delayed flight travel

There might be some unlucky days where your flight gets canceled and you may think that there is nothing that you can do about it, but knowing your rights can take you a long way in such situations. 

Check with the airline reservation service if there are any other alternative flights that you can get on and if not, make sure that you are doing everything to get help. Don’t, under any circumstances, get in the queue and just hope for the best. Getting insured is also a guarantee of having the required assistance to solve such situations in an easier manner. 

Swap your traditional boarding passes for E-boarding passes

This is one hack that has only recently been discovered by people across the globe even though this isn’t a new concept. Not only can it help to save a lot of time, but you also so are under less pressure when it comes to boarding. 

After opting for fast online check-in, you can get the print out your boarding pass or you can also go paperless and instead download it on your mobile phone. Whichever option you opt for, make sure that the barcode is visible because that is important to get you entry. 

In addition to your boarding pass, do not forget to carry at least one photo ID for domestic travel and, of course, your passport whenever you are traveling internationally. We would also suggest that you keep your forms of identification and your boarding pass in your purse or at a place that is easily accessible during a security checkpoint. 

Plan your schedule in a way that you arrive at the airport before boarding starts. In case you are going to a domestic destination, arriving 60 minutes before boarding time will keep you safe from missing your flight. However, in the case of international flights, you should always find out the exact boarding time. Generally, arriving 90 minutes before the scheduled time is good enough.

Don’t forget your polite matters

This particular hack is going to be useful for not only your flight journey but in all spheres of your life. 

Always be polite and courteous to the airport staff as well as your co-passengers. Etiquette is very important, and in terms of travel destinations, rules of etiquette vary. For example, in Dubai, holding hands and public kissing is illegal while in Thailand, saying anything demeaning about the royal family can land you in a lot of legal trouble. 

Hence, find out the customs and traditions of the destination that you are about to visit to make sure that you stay safe.